NEWS: With the upcoming Beat the Beast (a 2K erg event for which rowers need to submit a 2k time to register) and/or rowers interested in competing for a seat at the 2025 World Rowing Indoor Championships (read details about this virtual event here) from Feb 15-23/25. To compete at the elimination event, you need to provide a 2k time by January 20. To facilitate these events, the 2nd flight on Thursday will be dedicated to those of you who wish to do a 2k. When you sign up, please put “2K” next to your name and sit near other 2K rowers. If there is an overwhelming number of rowers signing up for Thursday’s 6:25pm flight, you can sign up to do a 2k on the earlier flight.
OTHER NEWS: As our Saturday on-water practices don’t allow for a lot of individual coaching due to safety concerns, I encourage anyone/crew to connect with me on the dock prior to going on the water and identify that you’d like to have some attention at the end of the race pieces (one boat at a time and first come/first serve).
TueWU 40' SS 18/20/22 (2' change rate) (C5). 2 x 6' (15" ON/15" OFF) (C2); R4'; 20’ core workout
ThuWU 20';3x8' @26 (C3), R5’; [2nd flight if doing 2k-30’ WU prior to 2k at open rate); 20’ core workout
SatWU 45'; 2x1K (R24/R26) or 3 x 1500m; 1x500 @ R28