Long distance technical row. Aim to cover at least 12km in small boats and 14km + in big boats. Last 1000m of the practice RATE 13 (slow non-stop movement. The handle doesn’t stop the movement)
Focus on being direct with the blade placement at the catch and continuous handle movement. Do not keep the weight on the handle/s much preparing for the placement.
Day 2) Practice on water. Warm up (there are three stages for the warm up- technical / SS with focus on blade work efficiency i.e. no missing water at the catch, the blade exits the water without any drag + power pieces R20/24/28 (focus on pushing onto the foot plate and accelerating the seat at the given rate) + higher rates R32 (coordination of the handle and the seat at the catch) Each piece is about 12 strokes.
20'TT = 10' R24+ 7' R26 + 3’ R30, max distance. The objective is to increase the speed of the leg drive with the rate change and maintain it throughout the whole time trial. Your aim is to beat the distance from the previous week.
Day 3) Practice on water.
Warm up for 30min. Practice SS + technical work (blade clearance at the finish, efficiency at the entry) + power pieces, high rates, starts.
1) 1000m R26 (racing direction: from the club to 1k mark; format: standing start, side by side)
2) 1000m, R28 (from the 1k to the club.)
3) 3 x 500m R32. Focus on length of the stroke.
For those who still practicing on the erg, the optional workouts are:
Steady State: 1 x 30' R18 @ 2k+ 22", rest 3 ', 1 x 20' R20@2k+20". Focus on dynamic leg extension.
Aerobic Endurance: Warm up for 20'/ rest 3' / 25' R22 @ 20' test + 10" / rest 4' / 1 x 7' @ R28, resistance on the erg is all the way down to # 1. Hold the split at your 20' test + 1-2". Because the resistance is all the way down, in order to get to the split, you need to be quick with the legs extension during the drive phase.
Aerobic power: Warm up for 20’, rest 3’ with stretching, then 20 strokes power pieces (20 strokes ON followed by 20 light recovery strokes. 5 min rest between the sets.