Race season is upon us. Please note the dates that we have been requested to complete shell maintenance on the shells assigned to Saturday Masters. These are April 28/29 and May 5/6. Don't forget to complete the paperwork provided for each shell and make sure you check off all required items.
The shells we are responsible for are listed below. Margo and Janelle want to be available when work is going on so please let them know by signing up on their sign up sheet when you are going to do your maintenance on which day/time.
Rene Myrand
Atlanta 1996
Coal Harbour
Rio 2016
Don Arnold Four
Henley 1976
Roberto Dosil
David Ellis
The following is what is expected to be maintained and if you have any questions regarding maintenance on the shells, please ask the Equip. Mgr/your coach:
Hardware-clean/lube/replace as needed
Slides-clean/inspect for corrosion problems
Footstretchers-clean/lube metal parts/replace hardware as needed. **Make sure re-installed at 40 degree angle in shell.
Seats/wheels-lube and check for 'wobble'. If wobble on wheel is detected check with Equip Mgr to see if needs replacing
Oarlocks-clean/lubed. Oarlock height/measurement checked by Equip Mgr/coach