great job to everyone performing at Cascadia regatta! I hope everyone enjoyed the races and the results.
It was the last regatta of the spring season in BC. For the next a month and a half we'll be focusing on the following aspects:
1) Training in small boats for sweeping and sculling.
2) Time Trials/ seat racing in small boats to prepare for the head race season selection. I will announce more information at the end of the week.
3) Building up endurance for longer distances for head race season.
4) Working on technique and rhythms change applicable for the head race distances.
And for now the schedule for the current week is below:
Day 1) Steady states, work on technique. Focus of the session is slide controll during recovery phase to achieve good balance and relaxation just before the catch.
Day 2) Time Trials 20min R24. Strong 1x's and 2- are aiming to break to get to or to break 4k. 2x's and 4x should be breaking at least 2.250m. You may not be able to achieve it right away but it is good to have a bench mark to aim for.