Crew Straight time A-time ( - turns) Final
Men's 8+ 16:40 (0) - 45s 15:55
Women's 8+ 17:17 (-15s) - 45s 16:17
Dimas 4x 18:04 (-30s) - 30s 17:04
Mac 4x 19:09 (-45s) - 30s 17:54
Lisa 2x 18:55 (-60s) - 15s 17:40
Bill 2x 19:38 (-75s) - 15s 18:08
Lorraine 1x 22:02 (-90s) - 15s 21:17
John 1x (2k) 13:40 (-105s) - 5s 11:50
*Congrats to Lisa and Anne for a Smokin' 4k beating their previous time by 15 seconds.
*Sunday's water conditions: attached in a photo. FROSTY!