2 x 40" transitions (full start, then transition to R32. Long and hard strokes. Change the rate through lengthening recovery).
4 x 30 strokes (20 strokes max pressure R32+, 5 strokes R34+, 5 strokes R38). It is important to increase the speed for each rate step while preserving the length of your stroke.
Day 2. Warm up for 30'. 5 x 500m
1st and 2nd - R28/30 - 250/250m
3rd and 4th - R32/28 250/250m (Transitioning from higher to lower rates. Focus on lengthening the stroke and changing the rhythm)
5th - R30- in the middle of the piece do power 10 strokes but make sure to come back to the race pace without loss of speed.
Day 3. Warm up for 30'. 4 x 1000m R24 max pressure, max length.