We gradually start gearing up the rates and intensity. I hope you had a chance to maintain/ improve your aerobic level during the winter break as next couple of weeks will depend on the aerobic base that you have.
The training schedule is below:
Day1) Erging: Warm up for 17', 4' rest/ 4 x 3', Rest 3' / 1st set @2k+5" R28/ 2nd set @ 2k+3" R30/ 3rd and 4th sets @ 2k +1" 30+ (any rate that you can handle at this time of your fitness level above R30; it could be even 31, as long as it above R30);
Day2) Erging: Warm up for 20'. 3 x 5' (5' rest)/ 5'= 15" On/15" Off, Open rate.
Day3) Practice on water. The workout will depend on weather conditions but we are planning to do 3 x 2000m R24.